Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How I Feel in Love with the Philippines

I found this article on my FaceBook page today. I am delighted to share it with you.

By Malcolm Conlan
I have always had a passion for the Philippines and Filipino people. I guess this started when I was around 19 years old.
I had never actually heard of the Philippines until then to be honest. Geography was not my strongest subject at school and I guess the Philippines was a distant place with no real connection to my life.
Then it all changed in 1989 when I first went to watch what has become my favourite musical ever, #MissSaigon. These were the days before you could google where a place was or look at street view or anything like that. In fact in those days, calling abroad would cost you £2 a minute and we posted this thing called ‘a letter’.
Joking apart, I bought a souvenir brochure at the show and quickly discovered that many of the incredible talented actors from the show originated from the Philippines, including Lea Salonga, Miguel Diaz, Robert Sena, Monique Wilson and Cocoy Laurel.
I decided to travel the 7,000 Miles or so in what was one of my first ever trips abroad and venture to the place I now call home. When I arrived, I was captivated by how friendly and welcoming everyone was. Everyone was helpful, smiling and interested in why I went there.
Yes, in those days, there was the occasional area you might not want to visit and the occasional scammer etc. However I have to say in all of my some 60 trips I have found the country to be very safe and welcoming. Every time I go home, I continue to be impressed by the continual improvements in the country.
As there was no #Facebook back then, when you wanted to stay in touch with people, you wrote them a letter or sent a FEDEX or similar and waited an age for a reply. Calling people of course was even more difficult and expensive.
So having fallen in love with the country, I decided to somehow dedicate a part of my life to the #Philippines. Strange coincidence, but I ended up working with a filipino guy for a few years at London Buses, so through that, I got into Filipino culture, parties and a new circle of friends.
My friend and his wife, then introduced me to my future wife, Susan, only recently we celebrated our 25th year of marriage. First time I met her family, around 26 years ago, I ended up staying with them and sleeping in a little Bahay Kubo, which was a little funny as I ended up banging my head every time I got up. Those were the days, remembered fondly haha.
Thing is, some people say why am I so interested in Filipino culture, events, people, politics and of course tourism, I guess it stems from my first impressions of the Filipino people from way back nearly 30 years ago, I hope and pray that other foreigners like myself, fall in love with the culture and people, I now regard as my extended family.
Maybe I was a Filipino in a former life, whatever it is, I am just at my happiest when I am either in the Philippines or with Filipinos. I am very fortunate that through that passion, I have got to meet some very famous Filipino actors, (some even follow me on Instagram lol) Ambassadors, politicians and even 4 Philippine Presidents!!!
Please follow me on Instagram, Tik Tok and X as well as my YouTube channel, Pusong Pinoy with Malcolm Conlan, Maraming Salamat po sa inyong lahat!! For the authors articles about the Philippines. read…

Now for some Good News: As of today, my blog, Becoming Americanhttp://lifeinus1960present.blogspot.com has now 1,033,888  page views. It reached the 1 million viewers worldwide last December.   

My second most popular blog, The Intellectual Migrantshttp://theintellectualmigrants.blogspot.com has now 922, 504 page views.  I expect it to reach a million page views worldwide by the end of 2024.   

Please continue reading my blogs. Your comments is highly appreciated.  

********************************************************************Another Good News:

The much awaited French Toast is in our Breakfast Menu Today!  


Anonymous said...

Hi David,

I just finished reading your post. In fact, I read it to Carol using my Filipino accent! Somehow, that made the article more compelling!

Honestly, Carol and I have quite often considered traveling to the Philippines and in fact, have been invited to come. The truth, however, is, that, with my current physical challenges, international travel at this point in our lives, would be too arduous.

With love,


David B Katague said...

John, I loved your Filipino Accent. When did you learn how to do it? Same with me, international travel is now out of my bucket list. Luckily, in my younger days, I was able to visit a few countries ( 14) and almost all the big cities here in the US and a couple of little towns in the Mid-East. I appreciate your input into my blogs. David

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