Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Barbara Gallagher- By Guest Writer Richard Botton

I just want to express my feelings about the fact that our beloved Barbara Gallagher has left Heritage for a place in Berkeley more suited to her particular needs. Most of you are probably aware, she will reach 103 years old this May. She was the most unusual person I have ever known. She is also the oldest resident here at THD. 

Barbara and Daughter Sandy enjoying Happy Hour Moments ( also photo below)

As a clergyman of another faith, I have visited her on occasions ( both sad and joyful ) and  she welcomed my prayer chants on her behalf. She was a truly religious human, and felt that her prayers were heard by the Eternal.. and they certainly were. She made it to church every Sunday , following her friend Buzz. When he passed on, she used her mobile electric “ “scooter” to get to church alone. 

At her age, it was amazing to see her exercising at our strength and balance classes-never shirking one of the movements. She was fortunate to have a loving, attentive daughter, Sandy, and a wonderful grand daughter Cassie, who in love, tended to all her material and emotional needs.

Rumor has it that she carried on the financial end of the family hardware business. What I feel now, and others will agree, is that she was a model for all of us. I will miss her presence very much !!!!

Personal Note: I have had several meal times conversations with her. At her age, she is alert and she is also my role model for a person who is aging gracefullyπŸ’—πŸ’—. I also admired her tenacity and patience during our Strength and Balance Exercises with Austin. 

I have also several conversation with her grand daughter Cassie- also a model for the younger generations.  When I see Barbara in her electric scooter it reminded me of some of my favorite quotes on aging. πŸ’šπŸ’š

Barbara Gallagher 100th Birthday Party Here at Newton's Restaurant- Before My Time 

Good Luck to your MOVE!!   I will miss you here also at THD specially your speeding activity in the Garage Freeway from Newton's to the Liberty Building with your Electric Scooter. Je vous/te souhaite bonne chance ! and Buena suerte en tu mudanza. Good Luck in your move!


Anonymous said...

Good morning from snow-covered UT❄️I, too, appreciated the message about Barbara…. My very first meal when I moved in was with Barbara. Now learning that Buzz was a great friend of hers-brings about memories of my first husband ( who lived there)and really liked Buzz and mentioned him often ( I never met him)” small world, indeed “. Sandi Green

Anonymous said...

I just read your post on Barbara Gallagher. What a wonderful tribute to her and her wonderful family! John Larimore

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