This morning an episode of a short term memory loss gave me a mild panic attack. This is the first time it happened to me in my more than 8 decades on this planet Earth. I thought a ghost is playing tricks on me. I know short term memory loss is part of the normal aging process. This loss of memory lasted for about two minutes and I attributed this to my waking up in the morning still sleepy because my spouse who had PD woke me up at 3AM and was wide awake for another 3 hours.
At 6:30AM ( one hour earlier than our normal waking hour), I prepared coffee and breakfast for my wife since she was wide awake three hours earlier. I cooked her oatmeal and banana besides her coffee. I was not hungry so I only drank my coffee. I gave my wife her morning medications at 7AM. After her medication and the unfinished oatmeal breakfast, she went back to sleep in our family room couch. While she was asleep, I log in to my computer, check my FaceBook page and E-mails and update my blogs.
At 7:30AM I got hungry. I decided to finish the oatmeal that my wife did not consumed. It was cold so I put in the microwave for 30 seconds. During this period I went to the bathroom. After my bathroom break, I went back to the table and was looking for my oatmeal. It was gone. I looked for it for about 2 minutes. I even asked my wife if she took it, She said no since she has not moved from her couch. I went back to the bathroom, and the adjoining rooms to check and no oatmeal. I thought a ghost must be playing tricks on me and I panic a little bit.
I decided to sit down and relax and bingo I finally remembered I placed the oatmeal in the microwave! This short memory loss lasted for over two minutes. According to http://bebrainfit.com/stop-short-term-memory-loss/, the above episode is considered a mild example of a short term memory loss. Here are examples of mild ( normal) and serious memory losses from the above site.
Some memory loss signs that are considered normal and may be only mild forgetfulness:
*Misplacing common objects
*Not being able to come up with the right word to say
*Not remembering what you just read
*Walking into a room and not remembering why
*Occasionally calling people you care about by the wrong name
Some Signs of memory loss that may be considered serious include:
*Getting seriously lost close to home
*Having a hard time following simple book or movie plots
*Struggling to keep up with daily tasks like paying bills or preparing meals
*Not remembering whether you’ve eaten or not
*Repeatedly asking the same question
*Experiencing personality changes
For more information on short term memory loss also visit the site below:
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