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If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Why I watch the TV Drama-My Husband's Lover

This drama is a good diversion and relaxation for me and a respite from the depressing pork barrel scandal news that has angered millions of Filipinos all over the world.


I also suggest that GMA network should have the courage to portray a KISS between Eric and Vincent at the last episode. GMA should have the balls to defy CBCP to have a realistic drama, and show to the whole world that the Philippines is no longer a conservative country. If this drama's venue is in US or Europe, a kissing scene should have probably been shown a number of times for the delight of the fans. I suggest a sequel with Diego and Hannah as the top two leads after 20 years of happiness between Eric and Vincent.

Ten weeks after, 50 episodes and 50 days of trending on twitter, here are the 50 top reasons why Filipinos Love to Watch My Husband’s Lover.

50. Filipinos watch #MHL because #MHL is a love story. Complex as it may seem it is still a love story between Vincent & Eric and between Vincent & Lally.

49. Filipinos watch #MHL because they had enough of stereotyped portrayal of gay men on T.V.

48. Filipinos watch #MHL because they secretly love the idea of infidelity.

47. Filipinos watch #MHL hoping to see two beautiful men kiss on T.V.

46. Filipinos watch #MHL hoping they will learn some tell tail signs if their husband is gay or not.

45. Filipinos watch #MHL as they love a mom like Sol Del Mundo who gives her son Eric unconditional love. Hands down, Sol Del Mundo is the Mother of the Year.

44. Filipinos watch #MHL because most of us have an all-out gay friend like Danny, who even uttered the immortal line, “Anna Dizon is Anna Dizon”.

43. Filipinos watch #MHL because they just love to hear Kuh Ledesma’s One More Try at least 10 times each night.

42. Filipinos watch #MHL because they just love to hear Jonalyn Viray’s Help Me Get Over at least 10 times each night.

41. Filipinos watch #MHL because they love watching real men play gay men on T.V.

40. Filipinos watch #MHL because they had enough of gay men play real men on T.V.

39. Filipinos watch #MHL to prove to themselves they are not homophobic.

38. Filipinos watch #MHL because they want to find out if gay men do fall in love.

37. Filipinos watch #MHL because by doing so they believe they are supporting gay rights.

36. Filipinos watch #MHL because they love to hate a homophobic father like General Soriano.

35. Filipinos watch #MHL thinking they can laugh at two crying gay men but end up crying with them.

34. Filipinos watch #MHL because they find Eric Del Mundo as the perfect mistress.

33. Filipinos watch #MHL because they love the idea of true love never dies. But are confused which one is Vincent’s true love.

32. Filipinos watch #MHL because they want to remember their high school love, Eric and Vincent met during their high school years.

31. Filipinos watch #MHL thinking they too can find a gay man to fall in love with.

30. Filipinos watch #MHL because they feel they have a better #gaydar than Lally.

29. Filipinos watch #MHL realizing that more often than not, gorgeous single men are likely to be gay.

28. Filipinos watch #MHL because at one time in their lives have been #friend zoned. David played by Victor Basa is Vincent’s friend who at one time became his lover but in the end was #friendzoned by Vincent.

27. Filipinos watch #MHL to feel good about their own complicated love life.

26. Filipinos watch #MHL to see if it will change their stand on gay marriage. As one character in the movie, Juana C. The Movie said, ‘mauuna pa ang gay divorce sa gay marriage sa Pilipinas’. (Gay Divorce will become a law long before Gay Marriage is allowed.)

25. Filipinos watch #MHL as they identify with the characters; they can be Lally the clueless wife, Vincent the confused or Eric the mistress.

24. Filipinos watch #MHL because they love to root for the underdog, but in this case none of the characters can be considered an antagonist, each one is an underdog as each one has their own share of pain.

23. Filipinos watch #MHL love to hate a domineering mother in law and they found that in Elaine Soriano played by songstress Kuh Ledesma.

22. Filipinos watch #MHL as it brings to life their own fantasy of having an illicit affair.

21. Filipinos watch #MHL thinking they know what being gay all is about only to find out they hardly know anything.

20. Filipinos watch #MHL hoping to find clues on how to move on. The song Help Me Get Over You has become the national theme song of those who wish to move on after a failed romance.

19. Filipinos watch #MHL because they believe it is their love story.

18. Filipinos watch #MHL thinking just like their own marriage, Vincent and Lally’s marriage is far from perfect.

17. Filipinos watch #MHL to understand their gay brother, gay friend or gay son.

16. Filipinos watch #MHL knowing now that gay love is no different from heterosexual love.

15. Filipinos watch #MHL to see who ends up with whom, will it be Vincent and Eric or Vincent and Lally.

14. Filipinos watch #MHL to learn that it doesn’t work to be friends with the wife if you are a mistress. As they say, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” and Eric knows it very well.

13. Filipinos watch #MHL to learn that there is a reason why you are the only girlfriend your husband ever had. Vincent never had a girlfriend until he met Lally, which can mean either your husband could be gay or is so just into you.

12. Filipinos watch #MHL to remember the first time they fell in love only to realize that love is not meant to be forever.

11. Filipinos watch #MHL to see how hard it is for some gay men to come out publicly.

10. Filipinos watch #MHL to realize that gay men can compete with the wife. Talk about “ang haba ng hair’ (long hair) moment for Eric Del Mundo.

9. Filipinos watch #MHL to see what a Bromance is all about.

8. Filipinos watch #MHL realizing that being broken hearted is the same regardless if you are gay or not.

7. Filipinos watch #MHL to see why people on Twitter keep on making it as a trending topic every day for the last 50 days since My Husband’s Lover premiered on TV.

6. Filipinos watch #MHL because they believe like Vincent that it is possible to love more than just one.

5. Filipinos watch #MHL because they believe love conquers all. But how will My Husband’s Lover end, will Love be sufficient to stay or should someone say Goodbye?

4. Filipinos watch #MHL knowing now that Anne Curtis is no longer the quintessential “other woman” but it is Eric Del Mundo as played by Dennis Trillo.

3. Filipinos watch #MHL as they love anything the CBCP condemns. The gay-themed GMA teleserye “My Husband’s Lover” has pushed the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on Youth (CBCP-ECY) to urge TV networks to examine their shows closely for sensitive topics that could affect morality. Source: Yahoo Philippines

2. Filipinos watch #MHL because they much rather follow the Pope than the CBCP, when the Pope was asked about gays, Pope Francis answered: 'Who am I to judge?'

1. Filipinos watch #My Husband’s Lover because it is good TV.

My Husband’s Lover speaks the reality that most Filipinos tried to deny as truth ~ Ian Laput, psychologist. Most viewers and fans in FaceBook wants Eric and Vincent to be together at the end. Others want Lally and Vincent to stay together with their kids.

But, no matter how MHL ends, it has broken the taboo in Philippine Television of broadcasting the reality of homosexuality, adultery and homophobia. Hopefully this drama has opened the hearts of million of Filipino viewers accepting and understanding the lifestyle of the LGBT community.

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