Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Day-Time for Gratitude and Togetherness

My First Thanksgiving Day Celebration in the United States, Danville, Illinois, November, 1960. 

My first Thanksgiving Day was in 1960 and I have fully documented my personal experience discussed in this article in my hubpages.com writing account as follows:   


Tomorrow will be my sixty three years of celebrating Thanksgiving Day here in the US. The David B Katague Clan will have a Get-Together Thanksgiving Party at My son's house in Benicia Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, however I am looking forward to enjoy the Special Thanksgiving Dinner at Newton's this afternoon.   

Here's the Thanksgiving Menu Here at Newton's this Afternoon.  On Thursday, Dinah and I are going to Benicia at Dodie's Residence for Honey Baked Ham Dinner,  Philippine Mahjong and 49'ers vs Seahawks Game at NBC to complete the afternoon/evening Thanksgiving Holiday Celebration.  For those of you celebrating this day alone, my thoughts are with you, and hopefully are thankful that you are Ok even if you are not with your love ones this Thanksgiving Day.

These are the 12 things I am thankful for this year. There is no order of priority except for #1 and #2: 

1. Thank you Lord for giving me a Memorable and Goal-Achieved Life for almost 89 years.

2. Thank you to All My Children and Grand Children and my future Great Grand Children.

3. Thank you to all my Close and Distant Relatives All over the World   

4. Thank you to all My friends and relatives locally, specially the ones that visits me every now and then here at THD.

5. Thank you to all my loyal readers of my blogs and Face Book page all over the World.

Dean Elias and I enjoying beer at the Oktoberfest Party Here at THD  

6. Thank you to my loyal readers and commentators of my blogs here in THD- Dean EliasPhil Paris and Richard Botton.  

7.Thank you to all my newly found friends here at THD- specifically my co-bridge players, and co-mahjong players and my dancing Zumba co-residents.  

8. Thank You to Val, the owner of THD for making this place an enjoyable Art and Garden Paradise right in the heart of downtown Walnut Creek, CA  and your commitment to make life of its senior residents a very pleasant experience.  

Martha ( Dining Staff) and I during The THD Halloween Party last October 31

9. Thank you to all THD Management, Office and Concierge Staff, Dining/Kitchen, House Keeping and Maintenance Staff and specially to Lisa Bellini💥 for taking care of Batman & Robin last June when I was away for 3 days and to Joseph Woo for helping me with my slides during my talk last month. 

10. Special thank you to Jenny S for her smiles and friendly demeanor to all the THD Residents.

11. Thank you to Karen K for organizing the activities that I have enjoyed here the past 6 months. Specifically, the first celebration of Filipino-American History Month of October here at THD with Filipino dinner menu offered in Newton's, Speaker of the Month- Resident Spotlight of "All you want to Know about the Philippines but were Afraid to Ask"  and the several award-winning Filipino movies at our Cinema in the two weeks of October. It's just too bad we did not have a Karaoke Night! 

And last but not least to 

12. Batman and Robin for keeping me company, in spite of their mischievous acts of breaking a couple of my potted plants while chasing the local squirrel visiting my patio.  

A Thanksgiving Bouquet from Last Year Thanksgiving Day in Fair Oaks, CA!

Here's my thanksgiving articles the last two years( 2021 and 2022).



In November, 2020, we did not have a Thanksgiving Get Together because of Covid-19. Instead we have:


💥 As of last week Lisa is no longer employed here at THD. There was no explanation what happened so most of us residents are wondering what happen? We the residents here will be delighted to know why Lisa is no longer employed here at THD.  The last time I talked to her she seems happy and was looking forward for her coordinating the Wit and Wisdom Circle here at THD.   Good Luck, Lisa wherever you are! Thanks again for taking care of Batman & Robin.  

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