Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Good Bye Chateau Du Mer Beach House, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Good Bye Chateau Du Mer Beach House-2023


I received news today that our beach house at Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marinduque burned last week due to electric malfunctioning in broad daylight. By the time the fire squad arrive after the 30 minutes call for help, the house was completely burned and only the foundation survived. There are a lot of pleasant memories ( sleep-overs listening only to the ocean waves, wedding events and other parties) associated with this beach house we built in 1999. 


Here are some photos from my album.

For more details on Chateau Du Mer and the beach house visit:


Good Bye, Chateau Du Mer Beach House-The Nipa Hut 2


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