Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My Bucket List for My StoryWorth Book of Memories

Here's my response to the query on my most popular article from Hubpages for my StoryWorth Book of Memories

A Beach Wedding at Chateau Du Mer- our Beach House in the Philippines 

My Bucket List: 101 Things to Do Before I Die for my StoryWorth Book of Memories-my most widely read article from Hubpages.com

Back  and Side View of the Beach House, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

Back and Side View of the Beach House, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines

My Bucket List

I have listed 101 things I want to do before I die. I have done almost all of them. Does that mean I am ready to die?

Owning a beach house is on my #72 in this list. The above photo is Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort in Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines that my wife and I owned and managed.

Yosemite National Park, California

101 Things to Do Before I Die

I have just finished reading several articles on things to do before you die. The articles ranged from just 10 to 1,000 fabulous and incredible things that an average person will probably have a hard time doing, because they require money and a lot of time. There is another article that listed 75 things, a bit more practical. But what inspired me is an article that listed 101 things, and most of them I have already done. Thus, I have created my own list. It is not a wish list since I have already done most of the things in the list (except numbers 33 and 34). Does this mean I am ready to die?

I hope the following list will inspire you to write your own list. There is no order of priority in the list, but my ten favorites are numbers 1, 3, 13, 24, 26, 31, 42, 47, 86 and 101. I have added #102 at the bottom of this page.

1. Write your autobiography and memoirs.

2. Join a medical mission to a third-world country (Philippines recommended).

3. Create a website or start a blog.

4. Create a YouTube or Vimeo video.

5. Try eating three exotic fruits (like durian, tamarind, passion fruit, and others).

6. Go wine tasting and visit at least 10 wineries in Napa Valley, California.

7. Join a tour to one of America's top ten breweries.


This is Oyster Rockefeller that I Cook on Special Occasion

8. Eat raw oysters, escargot, seafood paella, or any dish that you have not eaten before (maybe a balut or dinugu-an).

9. Take up yoga or tai-chi.

10. Watch a foreign film, opera or play.

11. Have a really expensive meal with a loved one (like Chez Panisse in Berkeley, CA).

12. Go to a casino without gambling. Just eat a buffet lunch or dinner

13. Visit Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks.

14. Learn how to play a musical instrument.

15. Join a church or community choir.

16. Join a walking tour of Chinatown in San Francisco or disit the de Young Museum.

17. Play duplicate bridge online just for fun and not for gambling.

18. Attend a Broadway show in New York City or in San Francisco.

19. Go to a jazz club in the French Quarter in New Orleans, LA.


Macrine and I had a one Day tour of the Rock of Gibraltar during Our One Week Vacation in Costa del Sol, Spain

20. Visit the Rock of Gibraltar and Tangier, Morocco.

21. Go on a cruise in the Bahamas, Alaska or Baja California.

22. Visit at least one Mayan Ruin in Mexico (Chichen Itza and/or Tulum Ruins).

23. Attend a tennis academy for one week in Rancho Bernardo, California.

24. Visit at least five National Parks or Monuments in the US.

25. Try something you have not done before, perhaps sky diving, deep-sea fishing or a helicopter ride.


Our 1990 Trip to the Vatican Museum

26. Visit St. Peter's Square in the Vatican and have an audience with the Pope.

27. Visit the White House and the National Monuments, Washington, D.C.

28. Visit Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Civil War National Cemetery.

29. Visit Dutch and Amish Country in Southern Pennsylvania.

30. Learn how to snorkel or scuba dive.


Dancing the Waltz at Lanie and Alex Chalfin Wedding and Macrine and I dancing the Tango

31. Learn a new dance, perhaps a cha-cha, a tango, a rumba, or a quick step.

32. Ride in a hot-air balloon.

33. Go on a canopy tour (transverse between trees on a zip line).

34. Go bungee jumping.

35. Ride a mechanical bull in Sugar Land, Texas.

36. Go fire walking in Hawaii.

37. Attend a professional football game.

38. Visit Disneyland and ride a roller coaster.

39. Swim with the dolphins or with the manatees.

40. Go whale watching in Hawaii.

41. Visit a zoo (San Diego Zoo highly recommended).


The Longwood Gardens- Spring Time- Pennsylvania

42. Visit a botanical garden (Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania or Buchart Gardens in Victoria Island recommended).

43. Ride a camel or an elephant.

44. Milk a cow or a goat.

45. Go bird watching.

46. Watch sea turtle eggs hatching and running toward the sea.

47. Visit Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.

48. Visit Death Valley National Park in California.

49. Visit Everglades National Park in Florida.

Eat an Exotic Dish That You Have not Eaten Before

Ampalaya with shrimp.

Ampalaya with shrimp.

50. Visit Yosemite National Park in California.

51. Visit at least one out of the "Seven Wonders of the World."

52. Witness a meteor shower, a comet, or a lunar eclipse.

Niagara Falls at Night-A Sight to Remember and Behold!

53. Visit Niagara Falls and take a picture of the falls at night.

54. Visit the Alhambra and its gardens in Spain.

55. Visit Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament in London.

56. Visit the Coliseum in Rome and/or Saint Francis de Assisi Church, Italy.


Macrine Trip to Corregidor, 1981

57. Visit Corregidor Island, Philippines.

58. Visit at least one out of the "Seven New Wonders of the World."

59. Visit a museum in the US (J Paul Getty Center in Los Angeles, The Art Institute in Chicago or the Museum of Modern Art in New York City).

60. Visit all of the Smithsonian Museums in Washington, D.C.

61. Live in a foreign country for at least four months.

62. Visit Historic Williamsburg, Virginia, and Virginia Beach.

63. Climb up to the Statue of Liberty or the Lincoln Memorial.

64. See the Empire State Building and take a bus tour of New York City.

65. Visit the Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California.

66. Attend the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C.

67. Attend a Mardi Gras in New Orleans, LA.


68. Attend the Moriones Festival in Marinduque, Philippines.

69. Learn how to play bridge or Hongkong Mahjong.

70. Learn how to grow orchids and other tropical plants.

71. Have High Tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria Island in Canada.

72. Own your own beach house or a small island.

73. Kick negative habits and mild addictions (smoking, alcohol, computer or Facebook).

74. Learn how to be a good listener.

75. Learn how to accept criticism.

76. Discover your family tree and traced your ancestry and genealogy.

77. Go to mass and communion every day for at least one year.

78. Meditate for at least 20 minutes every day for at least one year.

79. Get a whole-body reflexology massage.

80. Visit a planetarium (Chicago Planetarium recommended).

81. Sit on a jury.


Our Family Portrait by Jesse Santos-1982

82. Have your portrait painted.

83. Get your palms read.

84. Eat a pistachio ice cream and leche flan.

85. Eat gateau le sans rival and mercedes de brazos without feeling guilty.

86. Watch a salmon-spawning run.

87. See a Cirque de Soleil show in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Our San Juan, Puerto Rico Vacation, 1986

88. Have a timeshare vacation exchange in Puerto Rico and Cancun, Mexico.

89. Visit Aruba and surrounding areas.

90. Visit Malaga, Marbella and Costa del Sol, Spain.

91. Take a long train ride (maybe the Orient Express or the Skunk Train).

92. Write your own 101 things to do before you die (at least 25 items).

93. Sing karaoke in front of people without blushing.

94. Write a song or a poem on a subject close to your heart.

95. Visit Ground Zero Monument in New York City.

96. Visit a volcano (Hawaii Volcano National Park recommended).

97. Learn a new language, take music lessons, or a music appreciation class.

98. Bathe in a hot spring or sulfur spring in Marinduque or some other place in the world.

Macrine and I with Marinduque Friends- Bellarocca Resort in the Background

99. Treat yourself and your love one to an expensive vacation (maybe at Bellarocca).

100. Learn How to say "No!" without feeling guilty.

Last but not least,

101. Make a difference in at least one person's life.

Just recently, I added #102 _To Taste a Dish from Din Tai Fang Restaurant

Recently, I have been reading a lot about the dishes one must taste at the Din Tai Fung Restaurant in FaceBook. Because of Covid19 restrictions and my aging years going to restaurants in person is no longer a viable option of my lifestyle. I am just happy to order on line via Doordash. On-line ordering is so convenient but restaurants more than 10 miles from my residence are not included in my delivery contract. I am adding this as #102 in my Bucket List. This is the dish I want to taste first.

Din Tai Fung Green Chillies Stuffed with Marinated Meat

Stuffed Green Chilles with Marinated Minced Meat in Brown Sauce


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