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If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Do You Dislike Filipino Dishes?

Lechon-Roasted Whole Pig-A Fiesta Dish Prepared for Special Occasions.( Birthdays, Receptions, Holiday, etc..)

Have you meet people who hates( maybe dislike is a better word) Philippine cuisine and would not even try it. Some of them are just turn off at the sight of the dish such as the Dinugu-an ( blood pudding) or pigs feet and hocks (Kare-kare) or the smell of the dish (fishy) such as the shrimp paste(bagoong) or dried fish. However, most Pinoy dishes have no fishy smell. I am an Ilonggo and do not like Patis, but most Filipinos from Luzon loves it. My wife loves Patis.

Patis (Fish Sauce) is a pungent-flavored flavoring sauce and condiment made from salted, fermented fish. Patis is frequently used in the Philippines and in other Southeast Asian cooking to add saltiness to dishes. In Southeast Asian cuisines, it is also used as a dip for fish, shrimp, pork, and chicken. I prefer soy sauce, picante sauce or vinegar with garlic instead of Patis.

My encounter of the first person who dislike Filipino food was about 20 years ago while I was attending the wedding of my niece in Iloilo City. This person was from Australia and at that time was married to my niece. At the wedding banquet more than 20 Fiesta Dishes of Ilonggo origin were served. I was observing him not touching any of the dishes except the steam rice and the lechon( roasted pig). Later after the dinner I asked my niece if her husband hated Filipino food and she said yes. She told me he would not even try the dishes she prepared at home. She is now used to it and let him cook his own food at home. My niece said he is an adult and if he starved here in the Philippines, it is no longer her fault. The last time I heard, my niece and this ignoramus Aussie had divorced or separated.

The second person I have meet who does not eat Pinoy dishes was the American husband of my first cousin. This American was born in Missouri but went to college in Illinois. His parents still live in Missouri and I also heard they also dislike Pinoy dishes except for the roasted pig and the desserts. My encounter with my first cousin's husband was during their wedding reception in a Manila Hotel. There were more than a dozen Filipino dishes as well as American and International Dishes. I did not see him eat any Filipino dishes. Later on I asked my first cousin why he does not eat Pinoy dishes. My cousin said he was turned off by the smell of bagoong, the first time he was in the Philippines. From then on he would not even try any Pinoy dish serve to him.

The third person that I know that dislike Filipino dishes is the American husband of Macrine's closed relative. I will not discuss the detail here, because I do not want to be in the dog house with Macrine's relatives. My only regret is that his wife is a good cook and they have a Nanny who also is an expert in cooking Filipino dishes. This is all what I am going to say about this person who does not like Pinoy dishes except for the lechon and some desserts.

However, I have also meet a number of Americans who are married to Macrine's relatives and friends ( both Caucasian and Negro) who loves Pinoy dishes. These persons will try anything even if it is the first time they have seen the dish. These persons normally have other Filipino friends and have travelled to other countries.

So what is Philippine cuisine? Here's what Wikipedia says:

Philippine cuisine (Filipino: Lutuing Pilipino or Pagkaing Pilipino) consists of the food, preparation methods, and eating customs found in the Philippines. The style of cooking and the food associated with it have evolved over many centuries from their Austronesian origins to a mixed cuisine of Malay-Indonesian, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Mexican and American, in line with the major waves of influence that had enriched the cultures of the archipelago, as well as others adapted to indigenous ingredients and the local palate.

Dishes range from the very simple, like a meal of fried salted fish and rice, to the complex paellas and cocidos created for fiestas of Spanish origin. Popular dishes include: lechón (whole roasted pig), longganisa (Philippine sausage), tapa (cured beef), torta (omelette), adobo (chicken and/or pork braised in garlic, vinegar, oil and soy sauce, or cooked until dry), kaldereta (meat in tomato sauce stew), mechado (larded beef in soy and tomato sauce), puchero (beef in bananas and tomato sauce), afritada (chicken and/or pork simmered in tomato sauce with vegetables), kare-kare (oxtail and vegetables cooked in peanut sauce), pinakbet (kabocha squash, eggplant, beans, okra, and tomato stew flavored with shrimp paste), crispy pata (deep-fried pig's leg), hamonado (pork sweetened in pineapple sauce), sinigang (meat or seafood in sour broth), pancit (noodles), and lumpia (fresh or fried spring rolls).

For details and Recipes of my Favorite Philippine and American dishes read: http://myfavoritepinoydishes.blogspot.com/

Personal Note: I am writing this blog not to embarrass the three men described above, but to at least give the Pinoy dishes a chance by at least tasting it before declaring to the whole world you do not like it or recommending to others not to taste it.

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