Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I am Beginning to Like Being a Hubber

This was my second hub featured on HubPaged on 8/26/14.

When I first read the news on my Squidoo Dashboard that HubPages is acquiring Squidoo, I did not welcome the news. Like most of us, I do not welcome change if I am not sure if the change is for the better. However, of today I know this change is a positive change regarding my writing activities.

I joined Hubpages about 11 days ago without waiting for the transfer of my 23 featured lenses in Squdoo. I joined Squidoo in 2011 but after publishing my 23 lenses, I decided to be inactive. I did not have any incentive to continue writing. I earned less than $3.00 in my account since 2011 and I can care less because I am writing not for money, but for the pleasure of writing and meeting other writers who shares the same passion as I have for the written word.

The first day I joined Hubpages I wrote my first hub on the subject of home refinancing. The hub was a personal experience, thus it was written from my heart not from my mind. I was surprised when it made Editor Choice the next day. As a new hubber, I was not familiar with the capsules, format, styles, and other positive format to avoid monotony such as polls, quizzes, videos and maps. I am only familiar with photos. Now I am aware of these features and have incorporated it in my second hub published a couple of days ago. The subject of my second hub was on Feasting with Oysters and it aslo made it to Editors Choice less than 24 hours after I hit the Publish button on my HubPages Account.

I also joined a forum on the subject of the Squidoo Acquisution. The questions and answers were very informative especially to new hubbers like me. I started following old hubbers and made some comments on a few hubs that I found interesting. As a result of this activity. I have now 7 followers and four comments in my two hubs.

Based on my readings on the forum, I concluded that the Hubpages editorial Staff are more proactive than Squidoo. I had two questions in the Forum that received an immediate response from one of the HubPagers Staff.

I received two welcome notes in my Fan Mail from two veteran hubbers. This was indeed welcome and had inspired me to write this hub. I also realized that HubPagers have hubbers from all over the world. To my delight and amazement I found out there are several hubbers with Filipino roots or are residents of the Philippines. Being a Filipino-American and a citizen of both countries, my association with HubPages will turn out to be a very positive change in my writing activities.

The last point, I want to emphasize is my great chance to earn more pocket money for coffee here in HubPages. I signed in the Earnings Program just yesterday. When I checked my earnings this morning I was surprised I earned 0.05 cents. I hope this positive trend continue upward as I published more hubs in the future , Speaking on the earning program of HubPages, one of my FaceBook friends from India asked me recently if she can earned money by writing for the Site. I told her I am new to the site, but based on what I know now, she has to write more than 100 good Quality Hubs and sign in their Adsense, E-bay and Amazon programs. I have not heard from her. I guess hearing from me that she has to write 100 hubs will discourage almost everyone except for a few souls whose passion for writing is their way of life.

As a conclusion, I welcome with open an heart and mind, HubPages acquisition of Squidoo. I am 110% sure this change will bring a positive change ( if not lucrative) in my writing activities. I salute HubPages and its 15 industrious Staffs and looking forward to write more hubs and the completion of the transfer of lenses from Squidoo to HubPages

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