Welcome to My Site

If this is your first visit, welcome! This site is devoted to my life experiences as a Filipino-American who immigrated from the Philippines to the United States in 1960. I came to the US as a graduate student when I was 26 years old. I am now in my mid-80's and thanks God for his blessings, I have four successful and professional children and six grandchildren here in the US. My wife and I had been enjoying the snow bird lifestyle between US and Philippines after my retirement from USFDA in 2002. Macrine(RIP),Me and my oldest son are the Intellectual migrants. Were were born in the Philippines, came to the US in 1960 and later became US citizens in 1972. Some of the photos and videos in this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringing on your copyrights. Cheers!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Photo Trip Down Memory Lane, 1937-1952

Me and Eric my younger brother during our Primary School Days in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo

I was looking at my old photo files today. The following are some photos reminding me of my childhood, elementary, and high school years. They were happy years except for one bullying incident from a classmate during my freshman year in high school.
Me and Erico,Jaro, Iloilo, 1937

Macrine and Guia, Boac, 1938

Me at 2 years old and 4 months taken at Jaro, Iloilo in 1937. Our first house was located in Arquelles Street which was bombed by the Japanese in 1942.

My Boys Scout Years, 1943-1945

Japanese Philippine Occupancy Paper Money, 1942

Elementary School Graduation, 1947

My most hated vocational class of wood working. My favorite though was Horticulture. I am in the front row squatting, second from the right I do not remember any names from this class, 1948-1949.

My High School Graduation, 1951. I graduated as Validectorian of Our Class. I am in the front row second from the right. Some of the names I remember are Joaquin Demaisip, Lydia Boquiren, Ben Hilaga, Catalina Banaynal, our Principal Pablo Espanola and English teacher Maring Barrido. I wondering how many in the three group pictures are still alive today.

UPIC Students Catholic Action members with Dean Nolasco and Math Teacher Inez Belleza, 1952
I am in the 3rd row second from the left.

This is the Katague Building at Iznart St, Iloilo City built in the 1950's. This is the best investment that my Dad and Mom did using my Dad's back pay from the Philippine-American Army for my Dad's services during World War 2 in the Philippines.

My Father- Dr David Jamili Javellana K(C)atague, 1944 in his Philippine-American Army uniform as the Dental Officer in Panay Island

If you are in the group picture(s) above and is reading this, I will be glad to hear from you.


Kevin Barrido said...

Fascinating blog. My father, Agustin Kanoy Barrido grew up in the same area of the Philippines as you and graduated high school around the same time. I'm wondering if you knew him. He went by the name Toting and he was the son of Atanacio and Visitacion Barrido. I noticed one of your teachers name was Barrido.

David B Katague said...

The name is familiar. My Mother's maiden name was Paz Barrido Balleza. All the Barrido's in Barotac Viejo and Ajuy, Iloilo are my mom's relatives. There is a modified spelling of the name, Barrido, to Barredo. Perhaps, we could be related. Anyway, thank you for your comment and feed back on my blog. Do you have a Facebook page?

kekeba@hotmail.com said...

Hi David. I believe we are related. My Lolo was Atanacio Balleza Barrido and his wife was Visitacion Kanoy. He had two brothers Pablo and Vicente I believe. They are all from Ajuy and Barotoc Viejo. My dad was one of 9 kids. He immigrated to Chicago as a doctor in the 1960s then to Florida. Unfortunately, my dad passed away at 60 years old never fulfilling his dream to return to the Philippines.

David B Katague said...

Hi Kevin, I think your Lolo and My Mom are first cousins. I remember My Mom has a business transaction from a relative from Ajuy with name of Sebastian (Kano) Barrido. He has a daughter Nympha( Nimpa) about my age at that time ( 1950's). Are you residing now in Florida? Keep in touch if you can!

Anonymous said...

Hi sir, i came also from barotac viejo way back in 1986.. my lolo is Mr. Necitas Balleza Sr. (deceased).. i dont if you are familiar or related to him. my father surename is Delos Santos.. cheers!

Anonymous said...

Hi sir, i came also from barotac viejo way back in 1986.. my lolo is Mr. Necitas Balleza Sr. (deceased).. i dont if you are familiar or related to him. my father surename is Delos Santos.. cheers!

David B Katague said...

Hi DElos Santos, I know your Lolo and I believe he was a second cousin of my mother Paz Barrido Balleza Katague

Anonymous said...

Hi! Are your ancestors Victoriano Catague and Marcelina Javellana? pls email me at nclujan [at] yahoo [dot] com or visit www [dot] javellana [dot] wordpress [dot] com. Thank you! ~ Nereo C. Lujan

David B Katague said...


Ramil said...

Hi sir.. thanks for knowing my lolo.. Mr. Necitas Balleza Sr.
my email add is ramdel74@yahoo.com.. facebook name Ramil Balleza Delos Santos..
Thank you..

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